Sunday, December 9, 2012

[why everyday Easter]

I started this blog off a post from my first one - [i need Easter for today, not just eternity]

It was an entry that came out of helplessness. A week where there wasn't a lot I could do about a really tough situation. A time when all I had to offer was prayer, hugs, tears and encouragement, but even those things felt pathetic and useless. 

Yet in those moments, God met me with this sweet truth. That there was Easter victory to declare over that situation. That there was eternal hope to cling to when everything in this world seemed defeating. That He was present in the midst, and that He was worthy of being trusted to make it beautiful no matter my perspective. Simply because that's who He is. Simply because that's what Easter's about.

And though it's been eight months since, I still find myself trying to grasp what it means to believe, trust-in and live-out the resurrection victory daily. What it means to have freedom from living like the world and fearing what the world fears.

I'm not just talking about death, though ultimately that's what Easter defeats. What about fear of imperfection? Failure? Inadequacy? Image? What makes one beautiful, accepted, successful or loved? Is there hope and restoration to believe in for broken families, friendships, relationships, people groups and nations? How about mental illnesses, loneliness, depression and the soul cancers like pride, jealously, anger and lust? 

Can it be true that Christ purchased our freedom from those things as well that first Easter morn? Can it be true He gave us resurrection hope for right here and now? For today's mistakes and tomorrow's battles? And can it be possible to recognize and embrace those victories? 

I believe so. I really do. And that's what this blog is about. Shorter, more frequent entries I hope. Entries about finding the everyday Easter in the normal, everyday happenings of life. Because I want to know and see and experience the Easter victory right here and now, and I believe God offers it to each one of us. Every day.

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